James Alexander Michie is incorrectly portrayed by Stockwatch. This is based on a misleading article written by David Baines, formerly of the Vancouver Sun newspaper, who reported Michie as having a close association with Erwin Speckert.
Speckert encountered various legal problem in 2012 eventually leading to his arrest and conviction of money laundering. All of these issues had nothing to do with James Alexander Michie. To say Michie was closely connected to Spekert during this period is false and the result of irresponsible and very misleading reporting.
Here are the important facts David Baines, The Vancouver Sun, and Stockwatch fail to report.
- In 2005 and early 2006, Speckert was employed by a company in Switzerland where James Alexander Michie was a board member. After Speckert misappropriated 400,000 Swiss Francs of the company’s funds for his own use, he was terminated for cause with immediate effect by the board.
- In 2011, Speckert, out of spite towards James Alexander Michie, offered to testify as a witness for James Alexander Michie’s ex-wife (whom he separated from in 1995) who initiated a law suit against him and his second wife (whom he married in 2004). The judge found Speckert had no credibility because of his clear “animous” towards James Alexander Michie. The entire law suit was a litigation disaster for Michie’s first wife and her legal counsel.
This is not the first time David Baines has reported irresponsibly in regard to James Alexander Michie. We have outlined his previous misleading work here: Vancouver Sun Reports Untruthfully and Irresponsibly on James Alexander Michie
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